Business Ethics Policy

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Business Ethics Policy

  1. Introduction-

SRNL is committed to conducting business with the highest ethics, integrity, and social responsibility standards.

This Business Ethics Policy establishes the guidelines and expectations for all employees, contractors, and stakeholders to uphold ethical conduct in their interactions and decision-making processes.

2.Code of Conduct:-

2.1  Integrity and Honesty: All individuals associated with SRNL shall act honestly, truthfully, and ethically in all business activities. They shall refrain from engaging in any form of fraud, deception, or misrepresentation.

 2.2  Respect and Dignity: SRNL values diversity, inclusion, and respect for all individuals.   Discrimination, harassment, or unfair treatment based on race, color, religion, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic is strictly prohibited.

 2.3. Conflicts of Interest: Employees must avoid any personal, financial, or professional interests that may conflict with the best interests of SRNL. All conflicts of Interest (actual or potential) must be disclosed promptly and managed appropriately.

 2.4. Confidentiality: Employees must maintain the confidentiality of sensitive business information, including customer data, trade secrets, intellectual property, and any other confidential information entrusted to them during work.

 2.5. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: All individuals associated with SRNL must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards relevant to their roles. Violations of laws or regulations will not be tolerated.

3.Fair Business Practices

3.1. Fair Competition: SRNL is committed to fair and open competition. All business activities must comply with antitrust and competition laws. Collusion, price-fixing, bid-rigging, or anti-competitive practices are strictly prohibited.

 3.2. Anti-Bribery and Corruption: SRNL prohibits any form of bribery, kickbacks, or corrupt practices. Employees must not offer, give, receive, or solicit any improper payments or gifts that could influence business decisions or gain an unfair advantage.

 3.3. Responsible Sourcing: SRNL is committed to sourcing products and services responsibly. We expect our suppliers to adhere to ethical and sustainable practices, including respect for human rights, environmental sustainability, and fair labor practices.

4.Reporting and Whistleblower Protection

4.1. Reporting Concerns: SRNL encourages employees to promptly report any suspected violations of this policy or unethical behavior. Reports can be made to a designated ethics hotline, management, human resources, or any other established reporting mechanism.

4.2. Whistleblower Protection: SRNL is committed to protecting individuals who make good faith reports of ethical concerns from retaliation. Any retaliation against whistleblowers will not be tolerated, and appropriate measures will be taken to address such incidents.

5.Compliance and Accountability

5.1. Compliance Monitoring: SRNL will monitor compliance with this policy and periodically assess its effectiveness. Any suspected violations will be promptly investigated, and appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken if necessary.

5.2. Disciplinary Actions: Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary actions, including termination of employment or contractual relationship. The severity of the violation, its impact on the company, and the individual’s record will be considered when determining appropriate disciplinary measures.

 5.3. Review and Updates: This policy will be reviewed periodically to align with evolving laws, regulations, and best practices. Updates will be communicated to all employees and stakeholders as necessary.

By adhering to this Business Ethics Policy, we can collectively contribute to maintaining SRNL’s reputation, fostering a positive work environment, and upholding our commitment to ethical conduct in all business operations

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Job Summary

When you give to Our Industry, know your donation is making a difference whether you are supporting our signature Programs or our carefully curated list of gifts that professional. Over 24 years experience and knowledge international standards, technologicaly changes and industrial systems. We have facility to produce advance work various industrial applications based on specially developed tech- nology are also ready.

Job Skills Required

Job Summary

When you give to Our Industry, know your donation is making a difference whether you are supporting our signature Programs or our carefully curated list of gifts that professional. Over 24 years experience and knowledge international standards, technologicaly changes and industrial systems. We have facility to produce advance work various industrial applications based on specially developed tech- nology are also ready.

Job Skills Required

Job Summary

When you give to Our Industry, know your donation is making a difference whether you are supporting our signature Programs or our carefully curated list of gifts that professional. Over 24 years experience and knowledge international standards, technologicaly changes and industrial systems. We have facility to produce advance work various industrial applications based on specially developed tech- nology are also ready.

Job Skills Required